Friday, February 29, 2008

Hooray It's Friday!!

Can I just say how much I love Fridays!

I was just chatting with a good friend today about how much we love our Friday nights at home. Our family has so much going on these days, that Friday and Saturday are our nights at home with no commitments. How wonderful it is to come home, get in my jammies, eat dinner, and hang out in front of the TV with my family until bedtime.

I am glad this week is over. I have recently changed positions at work and the past couple of weeks have been brutal getting adjusted to the new role. I have found myself many times questioning whether or not I should have taken this new position. But, what I am finding is, I am challenged again and I have not been in the past couple of years. I am learning a ton and my days fly by - that is a good thing. Once again God shows me it is all in the attitude of my heart. I need to count the blessings I have in my life and have a grateful heart!

Happy Friday To You!


Stacy said...

Yeah, I love Fridays too! Mike comes home and we take care of sweet babies together! This past Friday was the first time in a couple of months that we have been on our own. It was nice!! Enjoy your weekend.