Sunday, March 23, 2008


Happy Easter Everyone! HE IS RISEN!! I hope you are having a wonderful Easter weekend.

Saturday, the weather in Northwest Arkansas was beautiful, so while I cleaned out the garage, the girls did some Easter art with their sidewalk chalk, played basketball and tried to shoo away a cat from our yard. They told me Dad pets it when it comes around, so that is why it keeps coming back.
Later they colored Easter eggs..beautiful masterpieces!

Easter Sunday I woke up very early, I wanted to sleep in on my last day of my vacation, but just woke up. I hate when that happens, but then again, it was nice to have a little time to myself before the family was up and around.

The girls hunted eggs in the backyard. It was very cold for a late March day, so needless to say, their egg hunt was quick.

I always remember hunting eggs in my backyard as a little girl. We would of course find the real eggs that we colored the day before and then my mom would make deviled eggs with them(I don't like deviled eggs, and no, I have not tried them either). My dad started this plastic egg tradition for us when we were about 8 or 9. There weren't that many, so it was special. Inside one of the eggs was a dollar bill, the rest had coins. Afterward, we would walk to Kenny's Git and Go and buy a bunch of candy with our money. Unfortunately, with the change in the times, I could never let my girls walk to the store, but I have continued the money egg tradition and this morning they had fun hunting them.
I have decided not to cook an Easter feast this year. So this afternoon we are going to go to Granite City for a late lunch/early dinner. The Razorbacks have advanced in the NCAA basketball tournament, so we will be rooting and watching them today too.
I love vacation so much!!! I will miss it next week!


Stacy said...

I'm glad you had such a wonderful Easter Sunday. Loved the pics of the girls hunting their eggs. You have really good memory on the egg hunting while we were growing up. I enjoyed reading that!